Summer 1 2019

Week ending 24th May 2019

Reds in the Community delivered an assembly about a sponsored football event we will be having in school after the half term. Please see the letters sent out today for more information. 


Reception enjoyed a trip to Pizza Express as part of their topic. The children enjoyed making their own pizzas from scratch (and eating them in the sunshine afterwards)! 



The girls football team played very well against other schools at Barnsley FC this week. They came second in their group and out of the four matches they played, they won two, drew one and lost one. They played today against other local schools and the A team got through the group stage and finished fourth overall and the B team didn't get through to the group stage but played really well. They all enjoyed it and represented the school superbly. Well done girls! 

Year 5 have been acting out the poem 'The Visitor' in class this week. They did a superb job and then used their acting skills to write a playscript of the poem. 


Year 5 also did some excellent work in RE this week where they worked in groups to sort out some statements linked to their topic of Islam. The display in the classroom is beautiful and shows off all their hard work on this topic. 



We had some visitors in school this week from the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. They told us all about the helicopters they have, how to contact the emergency services if we need them and facts about how much each part of the helicopter costs to replace! We will be dressing in yellow (or non uniform) on the 5th July and asking for an optional donation of £1 to raise money for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. More details to follow after the half term. 

Year 2 had a 'nocturnal' day this week where they came dressed in their pyjamas and found out all about animals who sleep in the day. They produced some excellent work from the day and should be really proud of themselves. It was a great way to finish off their SATs. Well done Year 2!





 Reception have been enjoying 'Forest Schools' every week and this week they made bird feeders, played circle games and crushed seeds to make flour. More photos can be seen in the classroom






In Nursery they have had a busy half term! They sent me this information and some lovely photos! Well done Nursery!

We have been enjoying our topic: Mini Beasts. We have been balancing like butterflies on the P.E. apparatus, counting the ladybird spots and matching the numbers, controlling the bee bot bumblebees, creating our own ‘moon doh’ mini beasts and even becoming a mini beast at our own ‘ugly bug ball.’ We had our own classroom pet called Gary the snail. He rather enjoyed the care we gave him; gathering leaves and feeding him cucumber every day. Some children even brought him friend snails from home! We had a ‘mixed feelings’ day on the 23rd of May; it was time to release Gary and co. back to the wild. We felt sad for our class pets to go, yet happy for him and his friends to discover, explore and find new friends in the wild. We took the journey to our forest area, where we thought carefully about a safe place to release Gary. We were concerned: ensuring Gary and co. wouldn’t be eaten by birds or stamped on by us! We created a good hiding spot with leaves, soil and juicy cucumber. We were careful to not hurt Gary and co. We all took turns to hold him and wished him goodbye and a safe journey. We do miss Gary, but we have great photos of him and his friends and we will soon go on our search for Gary next half term…

The Tidy Team will soon to be working with all classes to make bird feeders and here is a tweet of them getting everything they need from Tesco! Thank you!

Please look out for the Breakfast Club letter coming out today as we need your help to increase the numbers!


Things to look out for next week...

It is half term! Children return to school on Tuesday 4th June (Monday 3rd June is an INSET day). 

Week ending 17th May 2019

Year 6 completed their SATs this week and they were praised by all staff for their hard work and determination to do well. They never gave up and we are all so proud of them. They enjoyed the free breakfast club and celebrated with a party on Friday afternoon. 



Year 2 have started their SATs and again have done really well. They have some more to do next week but we are sure they will continue to give 100%. 

Mrs Chafen welcomed her baby this week! Dorothy Jane was born on Wednesday and weighed 8lb 1oz. Mum and baby are doing well and we send them all our best wishes.

A group of girls in Year 4 have raised £29.25 over the past few weeks selling bookmarks and bouncy balls (among other things) at playtimes for the RSPB. This is only the start as they plan to also run a stall at the Winter Fayre. They were inspired to do this after a visit to RSPB Old Moor with their class. It is so lovely to have so many children in school who think of others. Well done girls! 

Many classes have had lessons from specialist sports coaches in PE over the past few years (paid for by our sports funding) to develop staff knowledge and skills. Year 2 had some teaching from Team Activ this week. Here are some photos of them completing athletic activities. 






Our Eco Council worked with the Tidy Team and Jump Environmental Group this week to plant some trees in the local community at Jump Park. Three trees were planted (Wild Cherry, English Oak and Willow) and they will be maintained by the Eco Council who are monitoring the trees in a diary to learn about changes over time. 




Things to look out for next week...

The girls football team are playing at Barnsley FC in a competition and also another against local schools at Jump on two different days. 

Reception have a trip to Pizza Express linked to their topic.

Year 2 are having a nocturnal day linked to their topic.

We break up on Friday 24th May 2019 and return on Tuesday 4th June 2019 (Monday 3rd June is an INSET). 

Week ending 10th May 2019

Year 2 enjoyed their trip to the Tropical Butterfly House in Sheffield. As you can see from the photos below, the rain didn't spoil the day!










Mrs Barker has been tweeted about! Click on the link below to see her comments on the Reds in the Community twitter feed about their work in Year 1.

You will receive a letter and a recycling box today about the big battery hunt! Visit for more information and we look forward to receiving your used batteries for recycling soon! 

As a school, we buy in specialist music teaching for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and for guitar teaching in Year 4. Here are some photos from Reception having their first ever lesson today with Mr Townsend. 




Things to look out for next week...

Our Year 6 children will be taking their SATs. We all wish them lots of luck and are sure they will do really well. A free breakfast club is on offer for all Year 6 children Monday-Thursday. 

Year 2 start their SATS (over 2 weeks and in a more informal way) - again we are sure they will do really well and we wish them luck. 

Week ending 3rd May 2019

It has been a busy first week back! Year 1 had a brilliant trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park where they looked at the sculptures and took part in an artist led workshop. 



  Year 4 enjoyed a trip to the Tropical Butterfly House in Sheffield and had a great time learning about all the animals that live in that climate, linked to their topic of 'South America'. 







Please see the flyer below for your information.  

Some children from Year 4, 5 and 6 represented the school at an orienteering event this afternoon against other local schools. Although they didn't win, they had a great time and got a bit muddy too! Well done everyone! 

Some children made excellent projects last term linked to their topics. Below are some photos of the chocolate projects made by two children in Year 4 for their projects on South America. They look too good to eat! 


Year 5 have been busy working on their science this week and below are some photos of them investigating the power of bicarbonate of soda and vinegar as part of their 'materials' topic. 


The bluebells have made an appearance in our wooded area and a Year 6 girl thought they would look lovely on the blog! So she took the photos and she has done a great job of capturing them! Well done! 



Things to look out for next week...

A reminder that Monday is a bank holiday!

Year 2 have their trip to the Tropical Butterfly House. 

Summer 1 2019

Week ending 24th May 2019

Reds in the Community delivered an assembly about a sponsored football event we will be having in school after the half term. Please see the letters sent out today for more information. 


Reception enjoyed a trip to Pizza Express as part of their topic. The children enjoyed making their own pizzas from scratch (and eating them in the sunshine afterwards)! 



The girls football team played very well against other schools at Barnsley FC this week. They came second in their group and out of the four matches they played, they won two, drew one and lost one. They played today against other local schools and the A team got through the group stage and finished fourth overall and the B team didn't get through to the group stage but played really well. They all enjoyed it and represented the school superbly. Well done girls! 

Year 5 have been acting out the poem 'The Visitor' in class this week. They did a superb job and then used their acting skills to write a playscript of the poem. 


Year 5 also did some excellent work in RE this week where they worked in groups to sort out some statements linked to their topic of Islam. The display in the classroom is beautiful and shows off all their hard work on this topic. 



We had some visitors in school this week from the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. They told us all about the helicopters they have, how to contact the emergency services if we need them and facts about how much each part of the helicopter costs to replace! We will be dressing in yellow (or non uniform) on the 5th July and asking for an optional donation of £1 to raise money for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. More details to follow after the half term. 

Year 2 had a 'nocturnal' day this week where they came dressed in their pyjamas and found out all about animals who sleep in the day. They produced some excellent work from the day and should be really proud of themselves. It was a great way to finish off their SATs. Well done Year 2!





 Reception have been enjoying 'Forest Schools' every week and this week they made bird feeders, played circle games and crushed seeds to make flour. More photos can be seen in the classroom






In Nursery they have had a busy half term! They sent me this information and some lovely photos! Well done Nursery!

We have been enjoying our topic: Mini Beasts. We have been balancing like butterflies on the P.E. apparatus, counting the ladybird spots and matching the numbers, controlling the bee bot bumblebees, creating our own ‘moon doh’ mini beasts and even becoming a mini beast at our own ‘ugly bug ball.’ We had our own classroom pet called Gary the snail. He rather enjoyed the care we gave him; gathering leaves and feeding him cucumber every day. Some children even brought him friend snails from home! We had a ‘mixed feelings’ day on the 23rd of May; it was time to release Gary and co. back to the wild. We felt sad for our class pets to go, yet happy for him and his friends to discover, explore and find new friends in the wild. We took the journey to our forest area, where we thought carefully about a safe place to release Gary. We were concerned: ensuring Gary and co. wouldn’t be eaten by birds or stamped on by us! We created a good hiding spot with leaves, soil and juicy cucumber. We were careful to not hurt Gary and co. We all took turns to hold him and wished him goodbye and a safe journey. We do miss Gary, but we have great photos of him and his friends and we will soon go on our search for Gary next half term…

The Tidy Team will soon to be working with all classes to make bird feeders and here is a tweet of them getting everything they need from Tesco! Thank you!

Please look out for the Breakfast Club letter coming out today as we need your help to increase the numbers!


Things to look out for next week...

It is half term! Children return to school on Tuesday 4th June (Monday 3rd June is an INSET day). 

Week ending 17th May 2019

Year 6 completed their SATs this week and they were praised by all staff for their hard work and determination to do well. They never gave up and we are all so proud of them. They enjoyed the free breakfast club and celebrated with a party on Friday afternoon. 



Year 2 have started their SATs and again have done really well. They have some more to do next week but we are sure they will continue to give 100%. 

Mrs Chafen welcomed her baby this week! Dorothy Jane was born on Wednesday and weighed 8lb 1oz. Mum and baby are doing well and we send them all our best wishes.

A group of girls in Year 4 have raised £29.25 over the past few weeks selling bookmarks and bouncy balls (among other things) at playtimes for the RSPB. This is only the start as they plan to also run a stall at the Winter Fayre. They were inspired to do this after a visit to RSPB Old Moor with their class. It is so lovely to have so many children in school who think of others. Well done girls! 

Many classes have had lessons from specialist sports coaches in PE over the past few years (paid for by our sports funding) to develop staff knowledge and skills. Year 2 had some teaching from Team Activ this week. Here are some photos of them completing athletic activities. 






Our Eco Council worked with the Tidy Team and Jump Environmental Group this week to plant some trees in the local community at Jump Park. Three trees were planted (Wild Cherry, English Oak and Willow) and they will be maintained by the Eco Council who are monitoring the trees in a diary to learn about changes over time. 




Things to look out for next week...

The girls football team are playing at Barnsley FC in a competition and also another against local schools at Jump on two different days. 

Reception have a trip to Pizza Express linked to their topic.

Year 2 are having a nocturnal day linked to their topic.

We break up on Friday 24th May 2019 and return on Tuesday 4th June 2019 (Monday 3rd June is an INSET). 

Week ending 10th May 2019

Year 2 enjoyed their trip to the Tropical Butterfly House in Sheffield. As you can see from the photos below, the rain didn't spoil the day!










Mrs Barker has been tweeted about! Click on the link below to see her comments on the Reds in the Community twitter feed about their work in Year 1.

You will receive a letter and a recycling box today about the big battery hunt! Visit for more information and we look forward to receiving your used batteries for recycling soon! 

As a school, we buy in specialist music teaching for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and for guitar teaching in Year 4. Here are some photos from Reception having their first ever lesson today with Mr Townsend. 




Things to look out for next week...

Our Year 6 children will be taking their SATs. We all wish them lots of luck and are sure they will do really well. A free breakfast club is on offer for all Year 6 children Monday-Thursday. 

Year 2 start their SATS (over 2 weeks and in a more informal way) - again we are sure they will do really well and we wish them luck. 

Week ending 3rd May 2019

It has been a busy first week back! Year 1 had a brilliant trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park where they looked at the sculptures and took part in an artist led workshop. 



  Year 4 enjoyed a trip to the Tropical Butterfly House in Sheffield and had a great time learning about all the animals that live in that climate, linked to their topic of 'South America'. 







Please see the flyer below for your information.  

Some children from Year 4, 5 and 6 represented the school at an orienteering event this afternoon against other local schools. Although they didn't win, they had a great time and got a bit muddy too! Well done everyone! 

Some children made excellent projects last term linked to their topics. Below are some photos of the chocolate projects made by two children in Year 4 for their projects on South America. They look too good to eat! 


Year 5 have been busy working on their science this week and below are some photos of them investigating the power of bicarbonate of soda and vinegar as part of their 'materials' topic. 


The bluebells have made an appearance in our wooded area and a Year 6 girl thought they would look lovely on the blog! So she took the photos and she has done a great job of capturing them! Well done! 



Things to look out for next week...

A reminder that Monday is a bank holiday!

Year 2 have their trip to the Tropical Butterfly House.